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Women's Esther Circle

Third Wednesday of the month from 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM


We are starting a new women's circle named the Esther Circle, which will be a combination of our former Naomi and Rachel Circles.  All women are welcome!  


We'll meet the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 9:30 AM to about 11:30 AM in the large conference room at NPC. Please bring your own snack and coffee/tea/other drink for the time being. At some point, we will probably go back to bringing a snack to share. We'll have snack/fellowship, listen/sing to usually a hymn, watch video, go over a few discussion questions and share prayer requests. 


We hope you'll join us whenever you can. All women are welcome.















539 Buck Road, Holland, PA 18966

(215) 357-8282

©2018 by Northampton Presbyterian Church

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