God's Window
"A Christian Preschool"

God’s Window is a preschool designed to meet the needs of today’s Christian family. Our programs offer your child the highest quality education within a nurturing Christian environment. Classroom activities are educational, fun, creative and provided by experienced, early childhood education teachers.
Our programs assist you in guiding your child’s academic, social and spiritual development by providing a variety of exciting experiences, including: Art, Music, Cooperative Games, Dramatic & Imaginative Play, Movement, Social Interaction, Problem Solving, Math Concepts, Science, Food & Cooking, Multi-Cultural Awareness, Bible Studies, Songs & Lessons, Large Motor & Cognitive Skills.
Morning Classes:
Morning classes begin at 9:00 AM and run until 12:30 PM.
Due to new state regulations, we cannot accept 2 year olds born after February 3, 2023 for the 2025-26 school year. All children must be 2 years 7 months at the start of school on September 3, 2025.
2, 3 or 5 Day Early Explorers (2-year-olds)
(Recommended for children with birthdays between 9/1/22 - 2/4/23)
2, 3 or 5 Day Little Learners (3-year-olds)
3 or 5 Day Pre-Kindergarten (4-year-olds)
5 Day Jr. Kindergarten (5-year-olds)
(Recommended for children with birthdays between 6/1/20 - 12/31/20)
Afternoon Classes:
Afternoon classes begin at 12:30 PM and run until 3:30 PM.
Early Learners Enrichment 2-3 year olds / must be FULLY potty trained
(3 Day pick your own days or 5 Day)
Pre-K Enrichment 4-5 year olds
(3 Day pick your own days or 5 Day)
We are excited to introduce our new afternoon enrichment classes for our 2/3-year-old classes and 4/5-year-old classes! Your child will participate in age-appropriate STEM activities and be introduced to new learning subjects including nature, safety, animals and much more! The class will expand a child's learning beyond their morning classroom providing new opportunities and creativity. Your child will also have the opportunity to socialize with different children within their age group.
Experiential Learning Program (ELP):
The theory behind our teaching methods here at God’s Window is that "Experiential Learning" (hands-on and self-initiated learning) fosters meaningful, long-term learning better than rote memory does. Children learn by doing, touching, tasting, smelling, hearing, and by moving, lifting, running, jumping, playing and manipulating materials. All of these active behaviors foster better learning, especially in these very early years of development and education.
Experiential Learning" is learning by doing, because it involves absorbing knowledge by conducting an activity rather than by reading about or memorizing the concept. This is why, in our classes, we encourage “hand-on” learning. We embrace this concept with our Experiential Learning Programs (ELP)!
Our children experience Physical Education with Stretch 'N Grow where the focus is on balance, coordination, strength, flexibility, spatial awareness, self-control, teamwork and gross motor development.
Our children also take part in Music Discovery, which introduces us to different musical instruments, styles, genres, and cultural music from around the world.
Megan Moskovitz
God's Window Preschool Administrative Assistant / Tuition
God’s Window admits students of any race, color, national, and ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. It does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, financial assistance policies, and other school-administered programs.